Kingpin (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) Album cover Kingpin is a 1996 sports comedy film directed by Peter and Bobby Farrelly and written by Barry Fanaro and Mort Nathan. Starring Woody Harrelson, Randy Quaid, Vanessa Angel and Bill Murray, it tells the story of...
TRANSFORMERS: REVENGE OF THE FALLEN film poster Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is a science fiction action film based on Hasbro's Transformers toy line, released on June 24, 2009 in United States. The film is the second installment in the Transformers film series...
SON IN LAW: (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) Album (1993)
SON IN LAW: (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) Album cover Son in Law is a comedy film release in July 2, 1993, directed by Steve Rash, written by Fax Bahr, Adam Small, and Shawn Schepps, and starring Pauly Shore, Lane Smith, and Carla Gugino. The film received...
TRANSFORMERS: Film & Soundtrack Album (2007)
Transformers Film Transformers is a science fiction action film based on Hasbro's toy line of the same name. It is the first installment in the Transformers film series. The film is directed by Michael Bay from a screenplay by Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman. It stars...
DISTURBIA: FILM Disturbia is a psychological thriller film directed by D. J. Caruso and written by Christopher Landon and Carl Ellsworth. The film was released on April 13, 2007. Starring Shia LaBeouf, David Morse, Sarah Roemer and Carrie-Anne Moss, it is about a...
FEAR: Film Fear is a psychological thriller film, released on April 12, 1996, directed by James Foley and written by Christopher Crowe. It stars Mark Wahlberg, Reese Witherspoon, William Petersen, Alyssa Milano and Amy Brenneman. It revolves around a wealthy family...
1991: THE YEAR PUNK BROKE Documentary DVD (1992)
1991: THE YEAR PUNK BROKE Documentary DVD cover 1991: The Year Punk Broke is a documentary directed by Dave Markey, featuring Sonic Youth on tour in Europe in 1991. It was released theatrically in December 24, 1992. While Sonic Youth is the focus of the documentary,...
VARSITY BLUES: Soundtrack Album (1999)
VARSITY BLUES: Soundtrack Album cover Varsity Blues is a sports comedy drama film release on January 15, 1999. The film was directed by Brian Robbins that follows a small town high school football team through a tumultuous season, in which the players must deal with...
STUDIO 666 Film & Soundtrack (2022)
Studio 666 Studio 666 is a horror comedy film released on February 25, 2022 (United States). It was directed by B. J. McDonnell from a screenplay by Jeff Buhler and Rebecca Hughes, based on a story by Dave Grohl. Grohl stars, alongside his Foo Fighters bandmates Nate...