SOUTHLAND TALES film Southland Tales is a dystopian black comedy thriller film written and directed by Richard Kelly. The film was premiered at the 2006 Cannes Film Festival, and was released theatrically in the United States on November 14, 2007. It features an...
SCREAM 3: Film & Soundtrack Album (2000)
SCREAM 3: Film Scream 3 is a slasher film directed by Wes Craven and written by Ehren Kruger. The film was premiered on February 3, 2000, in Westwood, Los Angeles, and was theatrically released the following day, grossing $162 million worldwide on a budget of $40...
ENCINO MAN: FILM & Music From The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack album (1992)
ENCINO MAN: Music From The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack album cover Encino Man (known as California Man in several territories) is a comedy film directed by Les Mayfield in his directorial debut. The film stars Sean Astin, with a supporting cast of Brendan...
A PERFECT PLACE: Film & Soundtrack album by Mike Patton (2008)
A PERFECT PLACE: Film & Soundtrack album by Mike Patton cover A Perfect Place is a black and white tragic comedy short directed, produced, and written by Derrick Scocchera starring Mark Boone Jr. and Bill Moseley, first released on February 2, 2008 at the Lake...
DEAD MAN WALKING: Film & (Music From The Motion Picture) Album (1995)
Dead Man Walking film Dead Man Walking is a crime drama film released on December 29, 1995. Starring Susan Sarandon and Sean Penn, and co produced and directed by Tim Robbins, who adapted the screenplay from the 1993 non fiction book of the same name. Sister Helen...
SUBURBIA Film & SubUrbia: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack album (1996)
SubUrbia movie SubUrbia is a comedy drama film released in October 11, 1996 (New York Film Festival) and February 7, 1997 (United States), directed by Richard Linklater and written by Eric Bogosian, based on his play of the same name. It follows the relationships...
LOST BOYS: THE TRIBE Film & Soundtrack Album (2008)
Lost Boys: The Tribe (Music from and Inspired by the Motion Picture) Album cover Lost Boys: The Tribe is a black comedy horror film directed by P. J. Pesce, released on July 29, 2008, which serves as a sequel to the 1987 film, The Lost Boys. The film stars Tad...
BLADE II: Film & THE SOUNDTRACK Album (2002)
Blade II film (2002) Blade II is a superhero film directed by Guillermo del Toro and written by David S. Goyer, based on the Marvel Comics superhero Blade created by Marv Wolfman and Gene Colan. The film is the sequel to Blade (1998) and the second installment in the...
SCREAM: Film & Music from the Dimension Motion Picture Soundtrack Album (1996)
Scream film (1996) Scream is a slasher film directed by Wes Craven and written by Kevin Williamson. The film stars David Arquette, Neve Campbell, Courteney Cox, Matthew Lillard, Rose McGowan, Skeet Ulrich, and Drew Barrymore. Released on December 20, 1996 it follows...