The Cable Guy is a 1996 American black comedy film directed by Ben Stiller, written by Lou Holtz Jr. and starring Jim Carrey and Matthew Broderick. It was released in the United States on June 14, 1996. The film co-stars Leslie Mann, Jack Black, George Segal, Diane...
I Am Sam: Movie Soundtrack Album (2002)
I Am Sam (film) I Am Sam is a 2001 American drama film co-written and directed by Jessie Nelson, and starring Sean Penn as a father with an intellectual disability, Dakota Fanning as his bright and inquisitive daughter, and Michelle Pfeiffer as his lawyer. Dianne...
THE GIRL NEXT DOOR (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) Album (2004)
The Girl Next Door (2004) The Girl Next Door is a American romantic comedy film directed by Luke Greenfield, released on April 9, 2004. It follows a high school senior who falls in love for the first time with the girl next door, but finds the situation becoming...
WAYNE’S WORLD 2 Music From The Motion Picture Soundtrack Album (1993)
Wayne's World 2 Movie Poster Wayne's World 2 is a American comedy film directed by Stephen Surjik and starring Mike Myers and Dana Carvey as hosts of a public-access television cable television show in Aurora, Illinois. The film was released on December 10, 1993. It...
Go (Music From The Motion Picture) Soundtrack Album (1999)
Go (Music From The Motion Picture) Soundtrack Album cover Go is a American crime comedy film released on April 9, 1999.The film was written by John August and directed by Doug Liman, with intertwining plots involving thre e sets of characters. The film stars William...
SCHOOL OF ROCK: (Music From The Motion Picture) Soundtrack Album (2003)
School of Rock (Music From And Inspired By The Motion Picture) cover School of Rock is a 2003 American comedy film directed by Richard Linklater, produced by Scott Rudin, and written by Mike White.The film stars Jack Black, Joan Cusack, Mike White and Sarah Silverman....
THE JERKY BOYS (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) Album (1995)
The Jerky Boys: The Movie, also known as The Jerky Boys, is a American crime, comedy film starring Johnny Brennan and Kamal Ahmed, best known as the comedy duo The Jerky Boys. The film was released on February 3, 1995
Singles: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack Deluxe Edition Album (2017)
Singles: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack Deluxe Edition, is a remastered edition of the album Singles: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (1992). It was released on May 19, 2017 (one day after the death of Chris Cornell) to commemorate the original album’s 25th anniversary.
POINT BREAK Film & (Music From The Motion Picture) Album (1991)
Point Break is a American action crime film directed by Kathryn Bigelow and written by W. Peter Iliff, released on July 12, 1991. It stars Patrick Swayze, Keanu Reeves, Lori Petty and Gary Busey. The film’s title refers to the surfing term “point break”, where a wave breaks as it hits a point of land jutting out from the coastline.