Kingpin is a 1996 sports comedy film directed by Peter and Bobby Farrelly and written by Barry Fanaro and Mort Nathan. Starring Woody Harrelson, Randy Quaid, Vanessa Angel and Bill Murray, it tells the story of an alcoholic ex-professional bowler (Harrelson) who becomes the manager for a promising Amish talent (Quaid). It was filmed in and around Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, as a stand-in for Scranton, Amish country, and Reno, Nevada. The film was released on July 26, 1996, with a budget of $25 million, and grossed $32.2 million. When released on DVD, Kingpin came in its original PG-13 theatrical version (113 minutes) and an extended, R-rated version (117 minutes). Both versions are available on the Blu-Ray disc issued by Paramount Pictures on October 14, 2014.
- Super Deluxe (She Came On)
- Blues Traveler (But Anyway)
- English Beat (Save It For Later)
- Goldfinger (Superman)
- Red Eye (Ooh La La)
- The Trammps (Disco Inferno)
- Colin James And The Little Big Band: Surely (I Love You)
- Jono Manson Band (Miss Fabulous)
- Josh Clayton: Felt (Soon Enough)
- Freedy Johnston (This Perfect World)
- Todd Rundgren (I Saw The Light)
- Billy Goodrum (We Should Always Be Together)
Art Direction, Design: Command A Studios, Inc.
Music Coordinator: Erin Scully, Manish Raval, Spring Aspers
Executive Producer (Album) Bobby Farrelly, Happy Walters, Peter Farrelly
Executive Producer (For Rysher Entertainment) Andrew Leary, Jim Burke
Executive Producer (Soundtrack): Jonathan McHugh
Music Consultant: Tom Wolfe