Underworld: Evolution is a action horror film directed by Len Wiseman, released on January 20, 2006. It is a sequel to the 2003 film Underworld and is the second installment in the Underworld franchise. The plot follows Selene and Michael, again played by Kate Beckinsale and Scott Speedman, respectively, as they fight to protect the Corvinus bloodline from its hidden past. The film opened at #1 on 3,207 screens with a weekend box office (January 20–22, 2006) of $26.9 million, for an average of $8,388 per theater.[4] As of March 12, 2006, the film had grossed a total of $62.3 million in the United States and $111.3 million worldwide.
- The Undertaker (Renholdër Mix) Puscifer
- Morning After (Julien-K Remix) Chester Bennington
- Where Can I Stab Myself in the Ears? (The Legion of Doom Remix) Hawthorne Heights
- To the End (RnR Cheryl Mix) My Chemical Romance
- Vermillion, Pt. 2 (Bloodstone Mix) Slipknot
- Burn (Alleged Remix) Alkaline Trio
- The Last Sunrise (Dusk Mix) Aiden
- Bite to Break Skin (The Legion of Doom Remix) Senses Fail
- Her Portrait in Black (Atreyu)
- Washing Away Me in the Tides (Trivium)
- Eternal Battle (Mendozza)
- Our Truth (Lacuna Coil)
- Cat People (Putting Out Fire) (Gosling)
- Why Are You Up (Bobby Gold)
- Suicide (Meat Beat Manifesto)
- HW2 (Cover of Halloween II, originally recorded by Samhain)